Does anyone have a child who suffers with Sensory Integration Disorder? My son does and I am wishing I knew others out there who are dealing or have dealt with the same situation! I am wondering how children with the auditory side of this disorder handle preschool. I am thinking of putting Taiger in a little preschool, but I worry a TON about how he will handle the noise. (He doesn't go to Primary at church because the singing time is so horrible for him.) Anyone had any experience with this? I plan to home school him anyway, but I thought maybe going to a little preschool just a few days a week might be fun for him...learning the little songs, meeting other children, doing crafts, etc...all those fun things that kids enjoy, but maybe NOT kids with SID. He had to quit taking violin because the noise was far too much for him, and now I am afraid he really hates violin and violin music. I don't want to ruin the enthusiasm he has now for learning by putting him in a situation that is horrible for him.
Any suggestions?!!?!?!?!?
Also, is there some wonderful way to handle group situations at all? Birthday parties are hard for him (singing, laughing, etc are all too loud for him) as is church, even eating out can be hard for him. I do the best i can, talking to him about the possibility of noise before hand, removing him promptly when there is sudden and loud noise, providing him with headphones and peaceful music when we go to the mall or other loud places...but is there something else I should be doing? I have heard of SID therapy...anyone tried that?
HELP! If you know anything, please share!!!!!
Have a Lovely Weekend.
[image: Ella Fitzgerald Louis Armstrong]
What are you up to this weekend? Anton, his friend, and I are on a little
trip, and I’m excited to share photos ...
1 day ago
So, I am an Occupational Therapist with advanced training in SI :) I can offer you some suggestions if you want to E-mail me...Is he in OT right now?
through my research on adoption (international and older adoption in particular) i have found that there are therapies available from our counties. i bet your family doctor could direct you to a person. i believe that they offer them for free, or at least very discounted.
maybe you could look up disability services (although it isn't a disability, per se.) and they could direct you to the right person.
i don't think this answer was very clear. i'll try to think about it and get back to you.
love you!
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