Tonight I decided to try a new cookie recipe! I got the recipe from, a great blog to follow, by the way. Anyway, I had Jeremy over to bake them with Taiger and I. The cookies aren't done yet, but if they turn out, I will take some pictures of the finished product and put them on here!
Have a Lovely Weekend.
[image: Ella Fitzgerald Louis Armstrong]
What are you up to this weekend? Anton, his friend, and I are on a little
trip, and I’m excited to share photos ...
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
New Broken China Jewelry for February
Like what you see? You can find them here in my Etsy shop.
Happy Valentine's Day!
*NEW! The Broken China Jewelry Boo...
A Very Cheerful Helper
J was about 8 months old when his orphanage asked us if we could help him.
They wanted to confirm his diagnosis of Down Syndrome, and also suspected
Scalloped Crochet Wreath – Two Ways
One of the reasons I love crochet, is it can be so versatile. You can make
clothes or you can make crafts, with the same medium! Today, we’re making a
6 Ways To Transform A Cereal Box
Does your family go through a lot of cereal? Instead of tossing those boxes
in the trash, why not put them to good use. Here are 6 fun ways you can
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
I see mountains blanketed in green,
Their peaks tinged with the first signs of snow.
It fill me with wonder
And gratitude.
I see cobbled street, twisting an...
Photos from My Phone
The best movie of the year so far. Yes, that does include the last Avengers
movie! #yesterday #theBeatles via Instagram
Happy Holidays with Paperless Post
I'm one of those people who has a healthy obsession with Christmas cards.
There are not many things in life I'm really on the ball with. In fact,
I've l...
Do Your Kids Make You Crazy?
Today my new album is out!!! You can find it on iTunes, Amazon, or Spotify
(CDbaby if you want a physical copy and not digital). I'm still making and
we just go because He's called us
I remember the very first time I traveled down this road. I had gone to
Uganda to see if God would show me why I felt He was calling me there. That
was 8 y...
velasquez // family photos
Last month I had the privilege of shooting family photos for some dear
friends of ours. Marlene and my husband, Aaron actually grew up together
down in S...
It’s time to BREAK the cycle.
Preface: I’m not attacking or judging any one person or organization, what
I am doing is speaking out about a broken child and orphan care system here
in ...
DIY Nail Polish Remover Image Transfer
So I've been experimenting with image transfers lately as you saw here.
It's a really cool way to add detail to paintings, journals and more. I
To Have or Not to Have: Response to Sarah's Promp
The decision to have children is something that I have considered and
thought about more since I came to college. I used to think I wanted
children becau...
Thank you for visiting the Serving His Children blog; unfortunately this
site is currently inactive.
For more information about what SHC is up to visit: ...
Creating Space
School. Packing suitcases. Unpacking boxes. Meeting vendors to fix this or
install that. Get this done so that can be finished. Run here. Run there.
New Blog Site
I have started writing again at since the death of our
sweet son, Isaac. Writing always helps me as I stumble through life trying
to ma...
This year has been different.
For months before marriage God spoke to my heart of new things, prepared my
soul to cling to His promise, “Behold, I am doin...
Dirt in a Jar, Laundry Scientists, and Clean Water
I was recently approached about P&G’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water
Program. If I would like to try it out, and share it with my readers. You
bet I hit r...
1,000 days
It's a thousand days since my sister left us (and almost as long since
I've updated this blog). I didn't realise it was, but Mum has this date and
time ap...
Addie's favorite game has been "Tackle" lately. As in, "Let's play Tackle!
I want to tackle you!"
It involves Keith and I each sitting on the floor of h...
The Dark Stranger ()
Full The Dark Stranger in Top QualityNow you can see The Dark Stranger in
high definition format with duration 90 Min and was published in and MPAA
rating ...
Mtori in the Crockpot
One of the signature dishes of my husband’s tribe, the Chagga, is a beef
and plantain soup called Mtori. This is a soup that is popular with
everyone but i...
Clawing through a brick wall
Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes life in a foreign country fighting for
Justice is even harder.
You spend all day, every day, clawing through a brick wa...
40 days: day 1
I've never "celebrated" Lent.
growing up, it was the time of year that some of my friends had to stop
drinking sodas and eating dessert… and that wasn't for...
Friday DIY Roundup
Happy Friday! And happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow!
Whether you're in a relationship or not, whether you celebrate or not,
whether you spend the day w...
florida, part 1.
For Christmas this year, we decided to give a family "experience" rather
than gifts. The kids each opened up a box with a letter and a word in it,
then ha...
Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Sibling Group
It has come to our attention that there are a lot of misconceptions about
adopting sibling groups. Many people seem to view it as too much or too
I'm an avid user of the fold up shopping bag. There's always a bunch of
them hanging around in the bottom of my handbag.
But sometimes I want something sli...
Ice Skating; First competition.
Excited, nervous and all the feelings in between.
This weekend Imogen and Jemima have their first ice skating competition.
They began synchronized skating...
Heart of Amazima: Meet Joseph
Joseph comes from a large family and is always full of joy and life. He
loves to sing and dance and he has even danced at several school
competitions. He a...
52-Week Money Savings Challenge (with printable)
*Yay, me! I made a New Years' Resolution last year and actually stuck with
it! I didn't start working out, lose weight, or finally get my whole house
Near and Far
Here's what Christmas was like when I was a child in Australia: presents in
the morning around our family Christmas tree, then over to our
grandparents' h...
Un hogar muy especial / A very special home
Pasear por la red me permite descubrir cómo se decoran las casas en otros
lugares y paÃses, hay ocasiones que encuentro hogares muy especiales, como
el que...
Cars 2 (2011)
Full Movie Cars 2 High QualityWatch Movie Cars 2 For Free with duration 106
Min and released on 2011-06-16 with MPAA rating is 721.
[image: Full Movie Ca...
Hi there!
So, I know it's been a while...
but I thought I would try this blogging thing again :)
The other day I was going through my emails from around the time tha...
For the Girl
Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain... I'm merely peeking out
for a millisecond because I can't stop myself from alerting anybody who's
still ...
An update and the beginning of blogging... Again
I haven't sat down and written an actual blog post in over a year! My goal
is to start it up again and stick to it. (I will be posting over on the new
Big Ol' Update!!!!
So, It's been forever since I updated this crappy blog. But here's the long
and short of it:
Shogun Rising! -Still in production. We have a new art Direct...
Creative Quiche
With 55 chickens, our family eats a whole lot of eggs! We sell quite a
few, but we have plenty left for our family. That’s a good thing because
eggs are g...
Moving on Up.
It's moving day here at the Full Plate! We've been blogging here since
2009, but sadly, the time has come to move into our very own space. We're
asking y...
Featured On The Bloom Forum
I was so honored to be featured on The Bloom Forum recently with such
meaningful pictures from my trip home to Wisconsin with my
daughters....would love...
Loving Life in This Moment
What a great week it's been around here. Nothing that would seem amazing to
anyone else looking in on our little lives together, but we've had a happy
eight is great
So, umm, you might have noticed that I haven't been there that much lately.
Though joyful, our transition to our new western life hasn't exactly been
Goin' Solo
I'm not sure what it is about the last few years of 2000s that made
everyone ditch their groups and go solo.
Perhaps the lack of sales and the big conglo...
I'm Moving!
Such exciting news over here. I finally did it. I finally moved my blog.
It's been a long time coming, you see. I've been over the title
"Hotflawedmama" fo...
[image: P1210385]
Today Lunette went to the beach with Jenny and her family.
It has been a lovely warm summer and last time the family went to the
Welcome to the blog!
Sister numero 3 is finally on the blog. Literally!
This is what my computer screen looked like tonight. I was Skyping BeQ,
when all of a sudden...
The Moghadams are HOME! ALL eight of them! It is a miracle and I am
thanking God this day that they are TOGETHER and are HOME. :)
I cannot imagine how t...
i ran my butt off and then some...
i know, i know... i've been gone, gone, gone! that big race we've been
training for...well, it's finally OVER and i feel like i can get my life
back a bit...
Easter (Finally!)
Things have been crazy busy around here lately. As you know, Chandler
turned 5 last month & now we're getting him ready for Kindergarten; Ashton
started Ph...
Long day
Today has been a long day for dad. Unfortunately his white cell count has
come down a little bit. He received blood, platelet, and plasma
My Turn
My husband always does a good job of this. To often I take it for granted.
I am lucky to be married to someone who loves me and shows it so often.
My ...
Update February 19
Update on Amanda from Patrick McLaughlin, Starfish Board President
As of Sunday, February 19th noon est
As we enter the fourth week of Amanda's admission to...
my dad
my dad was recently diagnosed with two brain tumors.
we have started a blog about his journey through this.
please join us. the blog address is: rickhollad...
Fermemberwhen. Moving.
Happy New Year!!!!!! It's a new year with new possibilities....I truly
cherish this it a "holiday"? Whatever it is I love it. A
time to l...
Christmas Out of Africa 2011
[image: Click to play this Smilebox slideshow]
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Create your own free digital slideshow
The last year has been so amazing, busy, and extremely chaotic !!! We are
working on some major overhauls so that we can really begin to share YOUR
story ...
Here, there, everywhere
Sitting on the couch at 2 am watching Doug while my husband sits on my
couch keeping my feet warm and illustrating a childrens book.... I was
looking throu...
So I've been thinking.... why is it that as women particularly...
we constantly belittle ourselves? why is it that if we don't look like like
a superficia...
Long-range plans and goals
I guess an alternative title could have been "What our lives are like now."
I love how my Jones soda really summed it up for me last week with this
Making a Difference in Ordinary Ways
I've been thinking more recently about how to make those little differences
every day that add up. Like using cloth shopping bags or a reusable water
....and I hope you like Salmon too
You like the lack of updates once again do ya? Well let me just tell ya, in
a crazy turn of events I have a new job. I left the big boat a couple of
weeks ...
If I could turn back time
I might do it all over. Has it really been so long since last we posted???
My my, what a shame. I suppose life has a way of changing and capturing
you. Ry...
San Diego Zoo
We spent New Years Eve day at the San Diego Zoo with Tom and the kids. It
was a blast and the kids had so much fun.
Jacob was a doll - he was so excited a...
Should I be worried?
This is what I saw when I walked into the playroom a couple days ago.
Should I be worried that my little girls keep their zhu zhu pets in the
There's a lot of discussion about the TSA advanced security screenings
Personally, I never fly. I used to love flying until people went
The Ultrasound Results Are In and It's A.......
BOY!!!! We are so excited. I don't know if we will know what to do with a
boy around our house with all the estrogen here, but we can't wait to
learn. Now ...
Kara's Spring Concert
The last two weeks have been so busy, it seems I have not been able to get
caught up with anything. I am really far behind in my photos and I have not
had ...
I am officially closing this blog. I have huge hopes to go private in the
near future on my other blog. When we know what we are doing again as far
as movi...
Who am i?
When i had nothing more to lose i was given everything,
when i ceased to be who i am i found myself,
when i experienced humilation and yet kept on walking,...
Three Years
Ashlynn has been home with us for 3 years. It seems strange, it feels like
she has been with us forever. It has been so awesome to see her blossom
into the...
Bath Time with my baby brothers and sister :))
The other day my parents went out on a date and as it was Saturday night
and they had to be all clean for Church in the morning so I decided to give
them a...
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