Everyone at our house is SICK! Poor Taiger even has a fever!! It is rotten, but today the sun was shining! And, despite the sickness coursing through his tiny body, I decided it would do Taiger and I both some good to go out in the sunshine. So, I bundled Taiger up and I pushed him in his little swing in the sun. At one point I asked him, "Do you know Mommy loves you?" He smiled so big and nodded. It warmed my heart!!!!! He then told me happily, "You smell like Breclyn". This cracked me up!! The dirt beneath the swing was exposed, the grass having been worn away from many tiny feet, and the snow was melted away. Taiger inhaled and told me he loves that smell. I asked him if he knew what that smell was, and when he said no, I told him it was the dirt. I am glad he likes that crisp, heady smell. As I pushed Taiger in his swing, I sang to him, something I always do when he is swinging. Today, I sang all the songs I knew about sunshine, being happy and SPRING! One gives me chills, no matter how warm I am. It is so spiritual, and as I sing, the words always display in my mind such happy images, all painted in a soft, glowing sunny color of goldish yellow.
"On a golden springtime, underneath the ground,
a tiny seedling lay asleep, until the sun shone down!
AWAKE! AWAKE, oh little seed! Push upward to the light!
The day is bright! With ALL your might, reach upward to the light.
On a golden springtime, Jesus Christ awoke
and left the tomb where He had lain, the bands of death He broke.
AWAKE! AWAKE, oh sleeping world! Reach upward to the light!
The Gospel true is here for you!
Receive it's wondrous light!!!!
Have a Lovely Weekend.
[image: Ella Fitzgerald Louis Armstrong]
What are you up to this weekend? Anton, his friend, and I are on a little
trip, and I’m excited to share photos ...
1 day ago
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