

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Mini-Disneyland


Did you think we had fallen off the face of the planet? Boy, did we have you going!

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with everything I want to write that I don't know where to begin so I don't write anything. It is crazy, I know. It is better to write something than nothing, right?

So, here is something:

We are in Utah staying at my sister and brother-in-law's house, visiting them as well as my brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law, who also live here in Utah (could that sentence be any more confusing?!). Taiger and I have had the best time. I mean, THE BEST! I have not felt so relaxed and happy since...well, it's been a while. My sister has decorated their home SO CUTE, so you feel like you are in some kind of magical fairy-land. They LOVE Taiger and help take care of him, so I don't feel so "single parentish" all the time. The sun is always shining and they have these cute, white shutters on the windows so everything seems sunny and happy. I sleep better at this house than I do at home. Taiger does, too. AND I have gotten a lot of homework done. Can I just say I LOVE IT HERE?!?!?!? You know how Disneyland makes you feel? My sister's house is kind of a little slice of that.

Bryttan, thank you for letting us come visit!

Here are a few pictures from China for your viewing pleasure:

This is one of my favorite pictures from China. This is Taiger taking a nap out on our balcony. It was SO HOT there, and sometimes we got a nice breeze out on the balcony. I just love that my little boy was taking a nap 13 stories high, with this beautiful reality of CHINA spread below him.

This is one of the very few pictures we have of Taiger and I together. This was our first day of school. Our sweet neighbor-lady woke up early and when she heard us leave our house to go to school, she ran out to tell us to have a good first day and to give Taiger a big hug. :) She took this picture for us. I had stayed up so late the night before! We had had a HUGE day the day before trying to get things ready for school and then I stayed up so late that night. The next morning, I woke up about 5:30 and Taiger about 6:30, so we were EXHAUSTED! You can totally tell in the glazed look in our eyes. :)


Megan and Vinny said...

you both look gorgeous!!! and after that description, i'm packing my bags to move in with bryttan :) sounds lovely.

Shannon Dooley said...

I love your hair!

Bryttan said...

Oh you make it sound so wonderful, haha.Thank you. It really is only like Disneyland here because You and Taiger are here. I LOVE it! I wish you two could stay forever. Megan and Vinny? who m I talking to here? Haha, Breclyn might say my home is like Disneyland, but YOU actually LIVE by DISNEYLAND!! I say we all move to your house! :)
Love you Brec