

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

China Beach

Taiger misses China today.

So, I decided it was time to post another little glimpse of China.

These were taken at the beach by our house. Sometimes, it is surreal to think we would spend hot summer afternoons swimming in the South China Sea.

Taiger. Loved. The. Ocean!! He doesn't know how to swim and hadn't had much experience around water. The first time we went to the beach, I thought it would take some time to get him in the water...HOW WRONG I WAS! He took to it like, well, a fish. He would lay face down in the sand and let the surf wash over him. How Taiger and I miss "our beach"!!

One day, we were at the beach and these two little boys (in the background in the picture below) were playing and having fun together. One came to the shore and asked Taiger, "Little brother? Do you want to come play?" When I told them he couldn't swim, the little boy said, "I will carry you!" He scooped Taiger up and carried him into the water. It was the sweetest, cutest thing in the world! Needless to say, I followed them in to the water (as you can tell from this picture, the water gets deep very suddenly) to make sure everyone was safe. They had such fun! Later, they watched as I taught Taiger to swim and offered him encouragement and suggestions.

I had two videos I wanted to load, but I have been trying to load them for about 45 minutes and am giving up. I will post them another time. :)


Bryttan said...

I love these pictures. What a fun experience you two had there, You are such a wonderful Mom. I had fun talking to Taiger about the pictures (and his sweet cape) this afternoon. I'm glad you guys are back. Sheesh I missed you! plus, if we all can't go to a warm beach, you two shouldn't get to go either! ;)
And the photos are really good. You are so awesome!

Shannon Dooley said...

Thanks for sending a little sunshine & beach my way! Nothing like a picture of the beach to get ones mind off of Idaho weather.