

Monday, February 22, 2010

Operation: LOVE

Operation: LOVE was a HUGE success! Valentines came POURING in from all over! From neighbors, old friends, new friends and strangers. From Illinois, Idaho, California and Utah. From mothers, fathers, children, grandmas, uncles, aunts and friends. From old people, young people, short and tall. The Valentines will be sent out this week to some children who really need them. Children who are tall, children who are short. They will be going to children with straight hair, curly hair, braided hair, twisted hair. Children who are blind, children who have seen more than they should have in their short, sensitive lives. Children who laugh and who cry. Children who wear shoes in cement rooms, children who go barefoot in the soft dirt.

Children who need love.

Valentines will be going out to the adults who, with open hearts and arms, take these children and care for them and heal them and nurture them. Adults who are young, who are old. Adults who have dark skin, light skin, tan skin. Adults who speak English, French, Fanti, Twi. Adults who teach, who love, who heal, who nurture and who play! Fathers and mothers, single parents, married couples.

Adults who need to know they are appreciated and loved.

Valentines carry a message of love, of hope, of care. Thank you so much for reaching out to the children and adults who need to know they are recognized, appreciated and loved!

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