

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl FUN!

We were at my sister's and her husband's house in Utah for the Super Bowl. It was so fun! My brother and his fiance came over and we all had a grand ol' time. :) Taiger was REALLY in to the Super Bowl this year (YAY!) and kept telling everyone to be quiet so he could hear. :) I thought it was cute (everyone else thought it was annoying, but whatever ;) ). Anyway, Bryttan and Michael made Little Smokies, and Bryttan put chips out in really cute, colorful dishes. There was tons of food, good company AND... TAIGER'S AND MY TEAM WON! So, it was a happy day. :) Taiger found a green crayon and had me draw a "G" on his forhead (no easy task...crayons don't write so well on skin!) and then he drew one on me.
I LOVE the Green Bay Packers!! So, I have a Packer's shirt, but I never wear it and I was SO excited for a chance to wear it to watch the Super Bowl. Well....I ended up staying this week at my sister's house in Utah...away from my Packer's shirt! So, Super Bowl rolled around and...NO SHIRT!! =SIGH= BUT...I had packed my green hoodie, so I felt like a bit of a fan. I did the best I could. AND...it just so happened I had packed Taiger's football shirt, so at least he was dressed for the event.
Bryttan used chalk to write a "G" on her wall. Bryndon and April were rooting for the Stealers, so Taiger took the crayon and wrote an "S" on the wall to make sure everyone was represented and noone felt left out. So thoughtful. :)
At some point during the game, Taiger jammed his fingers and made himself a splint out of crayons.Taiger put on a plastic grocery bag like a cape (he is a super hero, after all) and did dishes. He is a super wonderful son, that is for sure.
Apparantly for some people, "Super Bowl" means "Nap Time"! I guess you can tell for which team THEY were rooting!
Taiger is going through this horrible "nose picking" stage. Making me CRAZY! Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of him from this year. Someday I will remember this discusting, snotty year and laugh. For now, could someone pass the Kle*enex and hand sanitizer? =SIGH.=

Here are Taiger and Bryndon celebrating the Packer's win!! in a manly style...with weapons.

1 comment:

Shannon Dooley said...

Packer's Fan? Seriously? Not cool Brec! Lol, JK. Glad you all had fun & you got to hang with the bro & sis.